"WBS 21" – housing series of the 21st century, "starter house"
first hand flexible living – architecture competition

While there is an endless demand for more individual designs in private property and demand of space for the elderly and handicapped (handicapped report 2001), more and more communities complain about an increasing number of empty flats in prefabricated concrete housing (at present approx. 20%).

The point of departure for the concept is based on the idea of creating a constructive skin from de-constructed elements, which meets the requirements of elemental basic needs of each individual: private needs, health matters and social integration. In knowledge of the assembly principles, buildings of different size, form and typology can be created with the de-assembly.

With this designed flexibility in the proposal the house can be altered easily according to a new situation in life. When under different circumstances the user usually is in need to change his housing situation.

Road perspective
Ground floor Upper floor
Project information
Issuer: KoWo mbH Erfurt GET UP/
Service: competition entry preparation of a business plan
Award: 2nd prize
Office: MWM objects
wbk21   schillerstrasse 22   d 99096 erfurt   e-mail: mail@wbk21.de
fon: +49-361-34 63 905   fax: +49-361-34 63 906   net: www.wbk21.de
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