"PilzBar" ("Mushroom bar") – Shii-take-breed
in an empty prefabricated concrete building - Ideas competition

At present, dwelling development is subject to a shrinkage process which often results in the complete demolition of buildings.

Alternative use for an interim financing of unoccupied building identified for demolition is needed if: (a) The non-occupation in dependence of the individual real estate exceeds the economic measure, (b) The costs for relocation-management of large scale buildings are too high compared to the profit while the estate is running to space capacity, (c) And/ or the financing of demolition is not secured through development funds (subsidy).

The outlined design proposes to use the free capacities of prefabricated concrete units for the breeding and the sale of high-quality, delicate Japanese mushrooms (Shii-take).

Scheme "resource"
Project information
Initiator: KoWo mbH Erfurt GET UP/
Service: competiton entry preparation for a business plan
Award: 2nd prize
Office: MWM objects
Scheme "financing"
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