Erection of a stadium building for the town of Mühlhausen

Within the scope of a complete redevelopment of the town of Mühlhausen is planning the construction of a stadium entrance building.

The complex consists of sanitary and changing cubicles, multipurpose spaces and offices, toilets for visitors as well as spacious storage space. The circular building creates along the "Schwanenteichallee" a square. A roof between the staggered buildings defines the entrance situation.

The arrangement consists of two buildings which are connected visually and edificial with an obvious centre. This centre, in the shape of a 3/4th roof disc with a dominating central steel column can be seen due to its height from afar and sets an urban stress.

Stadion entrance
Floor plan ground floor
Project information
Developer: Hochbauamt Stadt Mühlhausen
Service: New stadium en- trance building, work phase 1–9 on HOAI
Costs: 1,400,000 €
Period: 1998 – 2000
Office: Archit. practice Hose
Roof detail
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