Conversion and refurbishment of an old people’s geriatric care home

The old people’s geriatric care home was built in assembly construction in the 1980’s by the former "Wohnungsbaukombinat Erfurt". The building complex consists of three wards, a social wing and a maintenance wing as well as a foyer area. The foyer connects the social wing with the kitchen, the refectory and the ward areas.

The reconstruction measure raised the level for care and medical attendance considerably. The core for functional restructuring within the wards was the reduction of beds.

The balconies were clad in a steel-glass facade and added to the space inside the rooms. The number of beds was reduced from 170 to a total of 132. The breakdown results in the arrangement of 110 single rooms and 11 double rooms.

Perspective of the entrance
Basic floor plan for the concept A geriatric care room
Project information
Developer: Heimeinrichtung Mühlhausen
Service: Reconstruction of an old people’s geriatric care home, LPH 1–8
Costs: 7,100,000 €
Period: 1998 – 1999
Büro: Architecture practice
Hose - Knabe
Internal view of the foyer
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